Invisalign® aligners for teens11

invis is a drama free smile.invis is a drama free smile.

Ready for treatment that doesn’t interrupt your life? Discover if Invisalign aligners are right for you.

Invisalign Aligners vs. Braces

Invisalign aligners are more comfortable than metal braces.11

Get the confident new smile you want 5 months faster and with fewer visits to the doctor’s office.2Get the confident new smile you want 5 months faster and with fewer visits to the doctor’s office.3Get the confident new smile you want 5 months faster and with fewer visits to the doctor’s office.

Invisalign clear aligners in carry case

Before and After Photos

Invisalign aligners can treat all kinds of smiles.

From simple to complex cases, Invisalign treatment is a smile transformation you can see.

These smiles speak for themselves.

Discover why more than 17 million smiles around the world trusted Invisalign aligners with their treatment. 19Discover why more than 17 million smiles around the world trusted Invisalign aligners with their treatment. 4Discover why more than 17 million smiles around the world trusted Invisalign aligners with their treatment.

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How much does Invisalign cost?

The exact cost of your teen's Invisalign treatment will be determined by:

The complexity of your teen's case

The complexity of your teen's case determines the level of care and treatment required to achieve your dream smile.


The complexity of your teen's case

The complexity of your teen's case determines the level of care and treatment required to achieve your dream smile.

How long your teen is in treatment

The duration of your teen's treatment journey is influenced by various factors including the complexity of your case.

The Provider you choose for treatment

Selecting the right provider for your teen's dental treatment is crucial to having a smooth dream smile journey.


Invisalign Doctors near me

Schedule a consultation with an Invisalign provider.

Ready for a confident new smile? Talk to your parents and find a doctor near you today.

  1. In a survey of patients age 13-18 rating on a scale of 1-9, with 1 as 'extremely painful' and 9 as 'not at all painful', traditional metal braces patients (n=141) rated 5.1, while Invisalign patients (n=106) rated pain lower at 6.5. The same traditional metal braces patients (n=141) rated 5.5 on a scale of 1-9, with 1as 'not at all comfortable' and 9 as 'very comfortable’, while Invisalign patients (n=106) rated comfort higher at 7.1 Data on file at Align Technology, December 28, 2022.
  2. Gu, J et al. Evaluation of Invisalign treatment effectiveness and efficiency compared with conventional fixed appliances using the Peer Assessment Rating index. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop February 2017;151:259-66; and Buschang, P et al. Comparative time efficiency of aligner therapy and conventional edgewise braces. Angle Orthodontist, Vol 84, No 3, 2014
  3. Buschang et al; Comparative time efficiency of aligner therapy and conventional edgewise braces. Angle Orthod 1 May 2014; 84 (3): 391–396. Borda et al; Outcome assessment of orthodontic clear aligner vs fixed appliance treatment in a teenage population with mild malocclusions. Angle Orthod 1 July 2020; 90 (4): 485–490.
  4. Data on file at Align Technology, as of December 31, 2023.